Data Visualization to Assist with Pandemic Recovery


Socioeconomic, demographic, mental & physical health risks, immunization rates, and other environmental and population attributes that characterize a community are key to understanding why and how disease occurs in that community. In 2020 and 2021, Dojo4 partnered with Colorado School of Public Health (CSPH) to create the Colorado Population Data Dashboard, which disseminates key information and population-level data related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. By overlaying COVID-19 statistics with the various data sets related to those factors, the Dashboard gives users a greater depth of understanding of the causes, conditions, and impacts of the pandemic on our state.

Features of This Work

  • Custom website

  • Data visualization

  • County-specific dashboards

  • Automatic updates

We helped develop the site for decision-makers in Colorado, from state to local levels, and for anyone who may find the information and models useful. We worked together to design it to provide a comprehensive picture of community-level characteristics to assist local decision-makers in both the short- and long-term pandemic recovery. For data nerds curious as to which datasets are being accessed by the Dashboard, see