Application Operations

The Problem

Congratulations! Your application has been designed, built, deployed, and launched. Now it's time to sit back, let it run and make some money.

Whether it's your first app or one of many, rarely is thought given to the day to day operations after the launch. That's natural, but once the idea has been realized as a production application, the business of maintaining it begins. If you don't know the answer to these questions, we have a service that will keep you ahead of the game:

  • How do you know that your application and servers are up and functioning properly?
  • Who's installing critical security updates and making sure the server software is kept up to date?
  • How will you know when you need more or bigger servers? More disk space? More memory?

The Solution

Our Application Operations service is designed to provide peace of mind. Once we have designed and built your application, we can maintain and support it, allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.

Three structured service packages are offered. All include 24/7 monitoring, maintenance, minor updates, a metrics dashboard and a dedicated Boulder-based call center with live pick up.

Our insurance packages include:

  1. AppOps 24/7
    • Email and phone support for your App 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
    • 15 minute response time.
    • Includes up to 4 hours of support, maintenance, and updates per month.
  2. AppOps 12/7
    • Email and phone support for your App from 9:00 AM Eastern to 6:00 PM Pacific, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
    • 30 minute response time.
    • Includes up to 3 hours of support, maintenance, and updates per month.
  3. AppOps 12/5
    • Email and phone support for your App from 9:00 AM Eastern to 6:00 PM Pacific, 5 days a week, 365 days a year.
    • 60 minute response time.
    • Includes up to 2 hours of support, maintenance, and updates per month.
  4. AppOps */*
    • Be ready to hit the ground running when your application takes off.
    • Includes all initial setup. On-demand / per-incident event management.

All insurance packages include:

  1. ✓ 24/7 Monitoring
    • Apps are monitored and when problems arise, you are automatically notified. Within identified support hours, our AppOps team is notified and immediately begin working on the solution.
  2. ✓ Maintenance
    • On a regular schedule, the AppOps team updates server software, making sure you have the latest fixes, and up-to-date security patches.
  3. ✓ Minor Updates
    • Minor updates like a text change, link update or new font color are taken care of at no extra charge by the AppOps Team.
  4. ✓ Metrics Dashboard
    • As the AppOps Team monitor the app, they learn about it. They know when it's under the greatest load and likely to break. The AppOps Team provides the information and works with you to ensure smooth operation as you grow.
  5. ✓ Dedicated phone number
    • No paging, no phone tag. Live pick up every time. You have a direct line to the AppOps Team.

AppOps Team:

Our team of developers and system administrators has countless years of experience with the real world issues of running production web applications. We have built a great team so you don't have to.